Bird Watching Hide in Szigetköz

Through the two detective-glass windows of my nature photo hide, you can gain insight into the mysterious world of wildlife without disturbing them...

  • There are two detective-glass windows in the hide. Drawing from the experience of the past 10 years, I dared to dream big – not just observing and photographing birds. Currently, with a bit of luck, you can easily encounter deer, stags, foxes, and even buzzards during the winter season.
  • However, it must be emphasized that there is NEVER the same day in the life around the hide. There are "stronger" days when the visits of various birds/wild animals are more intense, and there are "weaker" days as well. It's always a surprise.
  • Although the hide was completed in May 2023, it met my expectations from the very first 8 months, for which I had planned and built it in its current location. I believe, and past experiences confirm, that over time, the wildlife around the hide will become more abundant and diverse. This is due, in part, to the constant presence of water as a vital nutrient and the strategically placed feeders during the winter season.

Pictures from the hide:

For any questions, please send a message to I will do my best to respond as soon as possible. 

You can also reach me by phone at 06-20-400-6151.