hide usage rules

Rules of use the forest hide

1. Be very careful and aware of the surrounding nature and wildlife. 

2 .Do not make noise that could scare birds and mammals. Keep quiet! Most species are uncomfortable with unfamiliar and loud noises. This is also very important for birds of prey and mammals. 

3. When an animal approaches the hide, take a few shots and see the reaction.

4. Smoking and fire are FORBIDDEN in and around the hide! The smoke and smell of cigarettes disturb animals. It is also a fire hazard! (A fire-extinguisher can be found in the hide)

5. Birds cannot see you under certain conditions. They can see you in backlight if you are very close to a window, if you use a light inside the hide, and if you wear very light-colored clothing. Therefore, it is advisable to stay away from the glass at least 50 cm.

6. Visit the "toilette" before going into the hide. Leaving the hide during photography disturbs the birds, and it is likely that the more sensitive species will not return in the following hours. 

7. The windows can be opened from the inside, it is important to keep them clean.

8. Always make sure that you have turned off the heating device and closed all windows and doors.

9. It is FORBIDDEN to make modifications inside and outside the hide (drinking station, self-feeder, etc.)